Me -> We – Shadow Ambigram!
None of us is a separate individual. 2022 original work/idea by Pablo Carlos Budassi. Get your thing with this unique design.
LOVE-WAR hybrid image! (FAR-CLOSE dual view optical illusion)
If you look at this design from closer than two meters it will clearly read “LOVE” but if you look at it from further than 3 meters it will clearly read “WAR” Perfect for keeping close ones close and outsiders far away. Unique original ultra high resolution design by Pablo Carlos Budassi. 2022.
It reads “real”. If you rotate it, it reads “Fake”. Unique optical illusion design. This incredible original work was created in 2020 by Wikimedia contributor Basile Morin. Processing and adaptation by Pablo Carlos Budassi.
Upside down calculator digits HELLO fine design. Remember high school when you typed 0.7734 in the calculator to amaze everybody with a written “HELLO”? Get a unique and enviable item with this elegant motif. 2022 Idea and design by Pablo Carlos Budassi.

Infinite OK texture. Unique optical illusion design. Tesselated 90° rotational symmetry. Four orientations. This incredible original work was created in 2020 by Wikimedia contributor Basile Morin. Processing, coloring, and adaptation by Pablo Carlos Budassi.

Infinite YES texture. 60° rotational symmetry. Six orientations. Created from a pentagon containing a 60° angle and a 120° angle (isohedral type IH21 from the book Tilings and Patterns by Branko Grünbaum and Geoffrey Colin Shephard). This incredible original work was created in 2020 by Wikimedia contributor Basile Morin. Processing, coloring, and adaptation by Pablo Carlos Budassi.
An original Pink Floyd-themed design that composes and decomposes a light ray. Also available in seamless infinite pattern. (Check all products) Ingenious and one of a kind design. Choose the background color!
Ying Yang Bipolar Cat icon. We could make a religion out of this. Original idea and realization by Pablo Carlos Budassi 2022.
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