Milky Way Galaxy Pin [2.75] ✧ Graphic Tee [$26.50] ✧ Prints & other products

The MILKY WAY GALAXY Log View Annotated!

No Borders Classic Version
Earth, Moon and the Universe
SUNRISE on Earth, Planets and Milky Way Ring Background!
Epic Solar System 360º panoramic photo centered on Earth
This comprehensive map showcases the Milky Way with a radial grid scaled in light years and centered on the Sun. The main structural components are highlighted along with prominent globular clusters, nearby nebulae, main arms, and spurs. In addition, the constellations that traverse the galactic plane are noted for easy reference and orientation.
This unique projection place the viewer in front of our Galaxy with the Galactic Plane running horizontally through the image — almost as if we were looking at the Milky Way from the outside.
From this vantage point, the general components of our spiral galaxy come clearly into view, including its disc, marbled with both dark and glowing nebulae, which harbours bright, young stars, as well as the Galaxy’s central bulge and its satellite galaxies.
The high resolution image contains 18 million pixels. Data collection and processing credits go to ESO and S. Brunier.
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Solar System and Our Galaxy Log View